Have you heard of Mexican jumping beans? Well, I got a video of Gulf of Mexico jumping cockles. They look like fish jumping at first but when you do a double-take….. it’s a big shell! These are live COCKLE SHELLS moving around at low tide. Check out the one eating the PEAR WHELK…..or is it the other way around?
- Eew! A Bristle Worm in My Seashell Sifter | i Love Shelling - [...] of our pleasant little morning at low tide shelling the east end of Sanibel finding a SUNRAY VENUS, COCKLE…
Just follow them along, picking up the empty shells they leave behind!
I saw this for the first time when I was in Sanibel in the spring – i never laughed so hard in my life! I’m so glad you caught this on video! What funny looking creatures – God must have a really good sense of humor!!!
Wow…who’da thunk? That is really cool! We tend to forget when collecting shells who inhabited them before we found them. Thanks again for your educational vid. And yes, pick up the empty shells they leave behind, I say.
What fun! Shells, sealife & the ocean never cease to amaze and entertain me! Thanks for sharing!!!
Very cool that you were able to catch that on video. I love cockle shells and now I have a whole new prospective on them!
Awesome…….this is my new FAV!!!!
Wow, that’s something I never saw before. Thanks!
That’s an awesome video…love the music too!
Pam, why can I not see your videos?
hmmm. I don’t know. They are youtube videos so go to YouTube and download the Google Chrome web browser and see if that works. Good luck!!! Please let me know how it works out.
AWESOME catch Pam!! I have never seen anything like that before!! Thank you for posting it!! It’s absolutely fascinating footage!!
Way cool! Did it beach itself in the sand? Did you throw him back into deeper water?
That is the most colorful empty cockle I have ever seen, and i have seen and collected many! Thanks, Pam, for the entertaining video…:)
Amazing! Also, love your choice of background music!
Very nice, but there no gull around :)
What time in the day did you make that video??
I have alot of cockle shells the color of the empty one above. Little Gasparilla Island has them all the time and they are always quite large but I have never seen a live one. I’ll have to be on the lookout from now on. That is so cool and it’s great that you got to video it for all of us to enjoy. Thanks you so much.
I thought yall would enjoy seeing this as much as I did! They are so funny to watch! I’ve tried to cover them up with sand before because that’s what I thought they wanted but sometimes they just uncover themselves again. Who knows why?
Excellent video Pam! Loved your choice of background music and the special sound effects were perfect.
OMG…I loved the sound effects..I don’t remembered them making that noise before…lol
I have seen many an empty Cockle shell. This is my first live, (video), sighting! It seems they can be quite entertaining. Thank you for sharing, furthering my shelling knowledge.
I absolutely love it….I also love the music that went along with it…how do you do that!!! You give such a beautiful outlook on shelling….something I have always dreamed of but where I live they have no idea the beauty that I find in Shelling….Thanks for making my day!! <3
This was so fun to watch! We found lots of halves of cockles and then actually did find an empty whole cockle shell (is that what it’s called when the two sides are attached??) when on Sanibel week before last – I am so excited to have it – it is a brown one and fairly good sized too. Stay safe down there!! Hope Isaac leaves you alone but then again, think of all the shells that will deposit on the beaches. Wow – what a Catch 22, huh??? :)